Wings Over Namibia: Discover the Rich Avian Diversity
Delve into the Enchantment of Birding in Namibia's Unique Habitats

Namibia - a popular birding holiday destination
A popular holiday destination for avid bird-watchers, Namibia is home to at least 13 endemic species of birds, 8 of which are reportedly from the Etosha region.
There are over 600 species of birds native to Namibia. Of that 14 are endemic to the country. An endemic species is a species that hatches, matures, reproduces and dies within one single area. The habitat of an area needs to be very special for an endemic bird to survive as it needs to satisfy all of the birds needs throughout its lifetime.
One of the best areas for bird-watching in Namibia is the country’s top tourist attraction, the Etosha National Park. Etosha is home to over 400 species of birds including 8 of the endemic species.
The parks in the Caprivi Strip also offer bird-rich habitats, including an impressive selection of Okavango specials. The beautiful Carmine Bee Eaters are one of the few spectacular species along the Okavango River.

The endemic birds found in Namibia are; Hartlaub’s Francolin, Ruppell’sKorhaan, Herero Chat, Rockrunner, Whitetailed Shrike,Damara Tern, Ruppell’s Parrot, Violet Woodhoopoe, Monteiro’s Hornbill, Dune Lark,Barlow’s Lark, Gray’s Lark, Carp’s Tit and Barecheeked Babbler.
The presence of these endemic birds signifies Namibia as an incredibly unique and special birding destination. 4 of the endemic birds are found only in the Namib Desert adjacent to the coast while the remaining 10 birds are found further east.
Namibia’s only true endemic, the Dune Lark is not accurately named as its preferred habitat is actually vegetated dry river beds that run between the massive dunes of the Namib Desert in central Namibia.
These are the highest dunes in the world and their red sand, which also covers these riverbeds, is matched by the lovely colors of this attractive lark.
The birdlife in Namibia is at its best from September to April, when the migratory birds from Europe and Northern Africa are present.

At this time, many resident bird species are nesting and are in breeding plumage. After good rains, the pans in Etosha and Bushmanland become a hotspot for aquatic birds, including flocks of flamingos.
Travellers to Namibia can embark on specially scheduled, tailor-made bird-watching safaris offered by many tour operators countrywide.
Refer to the Activities and Adventure section on our App – amongst others you will find Batis Birding at the coast and Birding-, Geo- and Nature Trails in Windhoek.