Just 14 kilometres west of the small town of Omaruru you will find The Ondudu Safari Lodge, nestled amongst the rugged granite koppies (hills) of the lower Erongo Mountains. The lodge is the founding member of the 2,000 square kilometre Erongo Mountain Nature Conservancy, which brings together 30 private landowners in an effort to conserve this diverse Eden.
These awe-inspiring mountains that are home to the lodge give you the impression that giants once played here, tossing the boulders across the landscape. At 1245 meters above sea level, they are a geological wonder, the ruin of a volcano formed over 130 million years ago.
History is captured in the ancient Bushmen rock paintings amongst the boulders, that will make you think about an era long past. The first inhabitants of this area, the San, still maintain their old ways, and allow us a peek into their world with arranged tours.The area is also well-known for its excellent hiking trails, where you can take a relaxing stroll or go on a guided walk, suitable for the more experienced hiker.
This bushveld Eden is also home to bounteous birdlife, with over 260 local species. Namibia has approximately 900 species in total – truly a birders paradise.
Many different constellations can be easily seen once the sun has set, allowing stargazers to view the Milky Way as they’ve never seen it. The lack of artificial light in the vast expanse ensures the stars are at their brightest and most visible.
So kick off your shoes and relax by the pool, or lace them up and take a long walk through this harsh landscape. Either way, here, you will have the ability to relax and dream, or take on an adventure.